Hanatsuki89 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/hanatsuki89/art/Tutorial-How-to-tie-a-obi-255979397Hanatsuki89

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Tutorial: How to tie a obi



I've always found it difficult to make a obi bow, so since I finally understood the way of doing it...I decided to make a tutorial so that everyone can learn XD
And yes, I know that there are other tutorials about this around the Internet and DA...
I hope you'll like it and understand it :)
I had a lot of fun taking the photos and preparing the tutorial, so if you have some requests about tutorials (mainly regarding cosplay), tell me^^

(I put the copyright thing because of the photos)
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800x8610px 2.24 MB
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RomaiLee's avatar
nice tutorial! could you telle me how long youre obi is? I want to make one myself and need to calculate the fabric ;)